in integration management knowledge during  closing phase there are only one process   close project or phase is the process of  finalizing all activities for the project   phase or contract the key benefits of this process  are the project or phase information is archived   the plan work is completed and organizational team  resources are released to pursue new endeavors   this process is performed once or  at predefined points in the project   the desired outcome or output of this process are  project documents updates lessons learned register   final product service or result transition final  report organizational process assets updates   but how will we do it firstly we  need some inputs of the following   project charter project management plan of all  components project documents like assumption log   basis of estimates change log  issue log lessons learned register   milestone list project communications quality  control measurements quality reports requirements   documentation risk register risk report  accepted deliverables business documents   both business case and benefits management  plan agreements procurement documentation   organizational process assets enable to process  all these inputs to gain the desired outcome   we need the following tools and techniques expert  judgment data analysis like document analysis   regression analysis trend analysis variance  analysis meetings by these combinations we   will be able to close a project or phase this  is the only process in closing group process   therefore it is safe to say that this  is the last process of any projects   integration management has the very start of  process with developing project charter and   the very last of process with closing project or  phase in our next lecture we will tackle about   scope management knowledge area great job  keep moving forward see you in next videos